

斯科特·比德尔曼 will become vice 总统 of development and alumni relations July 1 as Burnie Atterbury steps down after nine successful years

斯科特·比德曼,第一. 2 development officer at 博彩平台网址大全 who has played a central role in raising nearly $280 million during the largest campaign in the 170-year history of California’s first university, will succeed Burnie Atterbury as the university’s top fundraiser.

Biedermann will become vice 总统 of development and alumni relations July 1 when Atterbury steps down after nine successful years.

“斯科特是一个多才多艺的人, energetic and forward-looking executive perfectly positioned to help 太平洋 become the very best small comprehensive university in the nation,太平洋航空公司总裁克里斯托弗·卡拉汉说. “His experience bringing together diverse constituencies in support of shared goals will be invaluable in advancing the university's philanthropic goals, building on the strong foundation Burnie created over the past decade.”

Biedermann joined 太平洋 in 2012 and has progressed through the ranks of 太平洋’s development leadership. In his various roles, he has overseen all facets of fundraising at the university.  He has led efforts to support 太平洋’s student scholarships, 新的和改进的设施和赋予教师职位.

“I am honored and humbled to be appointed to this important university leadership position and continue to grow a strong culture of philanthropy and alumni engagement at 太平洋,比德曼说, 谁拥有这所大学的两个高级学位. “I understand the value of a 太平洋 education as I have experienced it, 它让我的生活变得更好.”

在加入太平洋之前, Biedermann led the first 研究 and Grant 发展 Department at the San Joaquin County Office of Education. He also served as an adjunct faculty member at Modesto Junior College and Teachers College of San Joaquin. 毕业于加州大学伯克利分校, Biedermann went on to earn his master’s in communications at 太平洋 in 2005 and his doctorate in education in 2020. 

Biedermann is a lifelong San Joaquin County resident whose family has deep roots at 太平洋. He met his wife, Alicia, on the Stockton campus as students. Her grandfather, Bob Heyborne, was the 工程与计算机科学学院院长.

He also is chair of Visionary 首页builders of California and a senior fellow of the Great Valley Chapter of American Leadership Forum.

“作为一名校友和杰出的专业人士, Scott understands what a special place 太平洋 is and how best to tell the story of our students,太平洋摄政王玛丽-伊丽莎白·埃伯哈特说, vice 总统 of retail banking and a director at the Bank of Stockton. “He has demonstrated an extensive track record of success and will be a great champion for advancing the university’s strategic priorities. I am confident that he will help lead 太平洋 to new heights of philanthropy.”

当选董事珍妮特·罗杰斯说, “I have always appreciated Scott’s ability to communicate the value and excellence of a 太平洋 education in an authentic and inspiring way, He has changed 太平洋 for the better and truly represents the very best this university stands for.”

比德曼将接替阿特伯雷, who served as the university’s top development officer since 2012, 监督巨额捐献, 计划给, 太平洋基金, 公司与基金会关系, 校友关系及进修服务.

“Burnie built a tremendous fundraising foundation at 太平洋. He truly has taken fundraising to the next level,” Callahan said. “We are indebted to Burnie for his exemplary leadership throughout the campaign and are delighted that he will be staying in a part-time capacity through the successful end of the campaign next year.”

Together with long-time donors and campaign co-chairs Tony and Virginia Chan, Atterbury developed and implemented the university’s $300 million fundraising campaign – the largest in school history.

“伯尼成功地领导和管理了我们的 有目的的领导 campaign and has shepherded thousands of new donors into the campaign,77岁的Tony Chan说, 前太平洋摄政王和竞选联合主席. “The results will resonate and support students and the university for decades to come.”

阿特伯里还介绍了 鲍威尔比赛计划,它利用了 鲍威尔基金 1:1匹配捐赠礼物, which has resulted in the rapid growth in endowed student scholarships and academic program support, 从2012年的1.5亿美元增加到5亿多美元.

同样在阿特伯里的领导下,大学看到了一个 记录1美元.200万的捐款 during April’s 太平洋 给s, a 24-hour online giving event launched four years ago.

Biedermann will join other new senior leaders at 太平洋 appointed since Callahan joined the university 11 months ago as 总统 after 15 years as dean and vice provost at Arizona State University. 

加州大学洛杉矶分校学生事务主任玛丽亚. 布兰迪斯被提名 负责学生生活的副总裁 4月. Liz Orwin, head of engineering at Harvey Mudd College, was appointed 工程与计算机科学学院院长 四月初. Mary Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, vice provost for diversity at University of San Francisco, was appointed 太平洋’s inaugural vice 总统 for diversity, equity and inclusion 3月. Christopher Ferguson, an enrollment strategist from Occidental College, started in September as 博彩平台网址大全负责招生管理的副总裁.

太平洋, 加州第一所在斯托克顿设有校区的大学, 萨克拉门托和旧金山, 排名第一的是. 18 university in the West by The Wall Street Journal and Times Higher Education.